O, Saint John Bosco, you nurtured a filial love for the Church and the Pope and courageously spoke and wrote in their defense.

Pray for us that, inspired by your example, we may be faithful sons and daughters of the Holy Mother Church and may likewise love and honor the Holy Father as the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with others, I may assist in bringing young people to the love of the Church.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Personal Prayer

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day1

O, Saint John Bosco, you loved Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. You zealously promoted this devotion by encouraging participation in the Holy Eucharist, reception of Holy Communion, and daily visits.

Pray for us that, inspired by your example, we may grow in this love so that we may end our days strengthened and comforted by the Heavenly Food of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with others, I may assist in bringing young people to the love of Christ in the Eucharist.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Following Reminders

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day2

O, Saint John Bosco, you loved the Blessed Virgin, Mary Immaculate Help of Christians, taking her as your Mother and Guide, and becoming her apostle.

Pray for us that, inspired by your example, we may grow in true and enduring love for this sweetest of mothers and may thus win her powerful protection in life and especially at the hour of our death.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with others, I may assist in bringing young people to the love of Mary Our Help.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Visit Jesus in Blessed Sacrament and pray 1 Hail Mary

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day3

O, Saint John Bosco, you became father, teacher, and friend to the young people by the great love and personal sacrifice with which you worked for their salvation.

Pray for us that, inspired by your example, we may also love this chosen portion of God's flock with Christ's pastoral charity and receive every young person as we would the Lord Jesus himself.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with others, I may assist and help young people in today's society.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Do your duties extraordinarily well

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day4

O, Saint John Bosco, you founded the Salesian Society and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the continuation and extension of the work on behalf of young people.

Pray for all your sons and daughters, the members of these two religious families that, inspired by your example and imbued with your spirit may be faithful to their religious consecration and steadfast in the Salesian Mission.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with the sons and daughters of your religious families, I may assist and help young people.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Avoid the 7 deadly sins

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day5

O, Saint John Bosco, you founded the Association of Salesian Cooperators, the seed of the worldwide Salesian Family, to ensure the widest possible participation in charitable work on behalf of young people.

Pray for all members of the Salesian Family that, inspired by your example and bonded in one spirit, may share in the Salesian mission and model in their life and work pastoral and educative charity.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with the Salesian Family, I may assist and help young people in today's society.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Family Rosary

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day6

O, Saint John Bosco, in your love and concern for all the scattered children of God, you sent your sons and daughters to the farthest parts of the world to bring the knowledge of the loving God and the Light of the Gospel.

Pray for all missionaries, and pray for us that we may be united in work and prayer to win souls for Christ, inspired by your example and in your spirit.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with Salesian missionaries all over the world, I may assist in bringing young people to the love of Christ.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Sunday Mass with Fambam

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day7

O, Saint John Bosco, you prized the virtue of purity highly and strove with all your might to foster it in the hearts of young and old.

Pray for us that, inspired by your example, we may nurture it in our hearts and minds and may act effectively to defend our young people against a culture pervaded by sex and violence.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with others, I may assist in bringing young people to the love of Christ.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Prayer Moment

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day8

O, Saint John Bosco, you were full of compassion toward all people, especially the young, who suffered from illness, poverty, hunger, injustice, and alienation.

Pray for all in need, and for us too, that the blessings of God and protection of Mary Help of Christians may be on us all, to heal us, strengthen us, and comfort us.

Pray for our families especially for our young people, that they may be kept safely in God's grace. Intercede for us in life and death so that we may eternally sing the Divine mercies in heaven.

Through your intercession, may God grant me the following grace (pause) so that together with others, I may bring young people to the love of Christ.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...

Saint John Bosco

Pray for us.

Mary Help of Christians.

Pray for us.

In the name of the Father...

CHALLENGE: Attitude of Gratitude

HASHTAG: #VirtueChallenge2024Day9