"Servite Domino in laetitia! (Serve the Lord joyfully!)"
Today is January 31 and we remember Saint John Bosco who went into the streets and started to meet young men and boys where they worked and played. He used his talents as a performer, doing tricks to capture attention, then sharing with the children his message for the day. We pray, in a special manner, for all Bosconians around the world, may they make Don Bosco proud by becoming good christians and upright citizens.
Saint John Bosco, pray for us!
#JohnBosco #Saint #PatronOfApprentices #PatronOfEditorsAndPublishers #PatronOfSchoolchildren #PatronOfMagicians #PatronOfJuvenileDelinquents #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Retire at various times into the solitude of your own heart, even while outwardly engaged in discussions or transactions with others and talk to God."
Today is January 24 and we remember Saint Francis of Sales who laid the groundwork for the teaching of the Second Vatican Council on what is now called the universal call to holiness. It reaffirms the teaching of Jesus and the early Church that every Baptized Christian is called to sanctity, no matter what their career or state in life. In every career and state in life, Christians can become more and more like Jesus Christ. That is, after all, what holiness really means. We pray, in a special manner, for all our Salesians that they may be steadfast in their vocation and to be signs and bearers of God's love for the young.
Saint Francis of Sales, pray for us!
#FrancisOfSales #Saint #PatronOfDeaf #PatronOfJournalists #PatronOfAdultEducation #WeRemember
"My one desire is to please Jesus and Mary!"
Today is January 22 and we remember Blessed Laura Vicuña who prayed and offered herself for the conversion of others. We pray for our family members and friends who have gone astray from God's merciful love.
Blessed Laura Vicuña, pray for us!
#LauraVicuña #SaintlyStudent #PatronOfAbused #WeRemember
"I’m prepared to do whatever you wish but, if the choice is left to me, I would prefer to study."
Today is January 21 and we remember Michael Magone whom St. John Bosco has seen potential but was vulnerable to crime in his situation. When given a chance, Michael grabbed the opportunity to study under the auspices of St. John Bosco. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of Kinder-Magone and their Class Adviser, Ms. Daniella A. Labong. Like Michael Magone, may they be overwhelmed by relief and filled with happiness by frequently going for confession and communion.
Michael Magone, pray for us!
#MichaelMagone #SaintlyBosconian #StudentLeader #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Nothing to fear: if it is a work of God, it will last."
Today is January 15 and we remember Bl. Luigi Variara for his dedication to the Leper community of Colombia. He also founded the congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in order to provide care for their leprosy patients. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 2-Variara and their Class Adviser, Ms. Havel G. Diacor. Like Bl. Luigi Variara, may they find their piece of Heaven on Earth.
Blessed Luigi Variara, pray for us!
#LuigiVariara #ApostleOfTheLepers #DaughtersOfTheSacredHeartsOfJesusAndMary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"We will always be friends. - Bl. Michael Rua
Fr. Carlo Braga, enchanted everybody with his large-hearted goodness and super-abounding gratitude. We pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Braga and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Edelhany L. Martinez through the Prayer to implore the beatification and canonization of Fr. Charles Braga:
Almighty and merciful Father, You called Fr. Charles Braga to follow Christ on the way outlined by Saint John Bosco, to follow his example, he inherited his spirit and multiplied his work in China and the Philippines, in favor of the poorest children and young people.
Grant that, welcomed by You in eternal joy as your faithful servant, He may be a generous intercessor. Grant us the gift of his glorification, so that it can become a joyful example of holiness for the Salesian Family and for all those who dedicate their lives to needy youth. We ask this through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians, that he loved and honored with a son's heart, and through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Servant of God Fr. Carlo Braga, pray for us!
#CarloBraga #PioneerSalesian #Missionary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Neither recovery nor death, but live to suffer.”
Today is December 30 and we remember him for offering himself as a victim of love for the conversion of sinners and for the consolation of those who suffered. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 8-Beltrami and their Class Adviser, Ms. Mary Kate Niña S. Lozañes. Like Venerable Andrew Beltrami, may they fully accept the sacrificial dimension of the Salesian charism, as desired by St. John Bosco.
Venerable Andrew Beltrami, pray for us!
#VenerableAndrewBeltrami #SalesianMissionary #MiyazakiSistersFounder #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I was born to suffer."
Today is December 30 and we remember Fr. Attilo Guerrino Boscariol for being a missionary in China and one of the pioneer Salesians in the Philippines. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Boscariol and their Class Adviser, Ms. Noemi L. Albano. Like Fr. Attilo Guerrino Boscariol, may they suffer in silence experience the healing power of the Lord.
Fr. Attilo Guerrino Boscariol, pray for us!
#AttiloGuerrinoBoscariol #PioneerSalesian #Missionary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Today is December 18 and we remember Venerable Attilio Giordani for being a diligent catechist and a brilliant, simple and serene Salesian youth leader. To restore hope to children upset by the war, he began a Crusade of Goodness, which would spread throughout Italy. As husband he was always there for his family, rich in faith and serenity, but also practiced evangelical poverty for the benefit of the most needy. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 6-Giordani and their Class Adviser, Ms. Prescious Mae B. Macasiog, through the Prayer to obtain the Canonization of the Venerable Attilio Giordani:
We thank you, Holy Father, for the gifts given to your faithful servant Attilio Giordani, family man, Salesian Cooperator, catechist and leader at the Oratory, teacherof holiness.
Give us the joy of seeing him glorified as the protector and model of our families and of the apostolate among the young. Through his intercession, grant us the grace we ask of you with a confident heart.
Venerable Attilio Giordani, pray for us!
#VenerableAttilioGiordani #SalesianCooperator #CrusadeOfGoodness #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Today is December 13 and we remember Fr. Luis Iriarte for one of the first Salesian Missionaries in the Philippines. He dedicated his life to the poor boys of Tondo as a long-time Rector and later on, Confessor. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Iriarte and their Class Adviser, Ms. Leah Y. Tipay. Like Fr. Luis Iriarte, may they dedicate themselves for a cause greater than their own and be faithful towards succeeding in that cause.
Luis Iriarte, pray for us!
#LuisIriarte #PioneerSalesian #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Today is December 5 and we remember Bl. Filippo Rinaldi for working to renew the spiritual life of the Salesians, having absolute confidence in God and unlimited trust in Mary, the Help of Christians, doing much to develop Salesian studies, and becoming a master of spiritual life. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 9-Rinaldi and their Class Adviser, Mr. Luis Vincent G. Tejada. Like Bl. Filippo Rinaldi, may they use all their energies in adapting Don Bosco's spirit to the times.
Blessed Filippo Rinaldi, pray for us!
#FilippoRinaldi #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #TheFather #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Today is December 2 and we remember Fr. John Rutkowski for being one of the first Salesians in Don Bosco Tarlac together with Fr. Anthony DiFalco before moving to Australia to take care of Polish immigrants. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Rutkowski and their Class Adviser, Ms. Leslie C. Velasquez. Like Fr. John Rutkowski, may they mature in their advocacy and live the mission began by their predecessors.
John Rutkowski, pray for us!
#JohnRutkowski #PioneerSalesian #Missionary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"If you believe that this is the will of the Lord, I am ready to come."
- Ven. Margaret Occhiena to Don Bosco’s invitation to assist him in looking after the abandoned youth.
Today is November 25 and we remember her for being a woman of great faith; Don Bosco's first and foremost co-worker; she became the maternal element of the preventive system; she was, without knowing it, a cofounder of the Salesian Family. We also pray, in a special manner, for our very own parents and guardians. We pray in a special manner for their representatives—the Parent Council led by Mr. Manolet Espinosa. Like Mama Margaret may they have a mother’s heart formed by the intense love for the Lord and undying support to their children.
Venerable Margaret Occhiena, pray for us!
#VenerableMargaretOcchiena #Mother #Support #CoFoundress #WeRemember
"His natural spirit of initiative was not satisfied merely with carrying out orders but sought new ways." - Fr. Ceria
Today is November 25 and we remember Fr. Pietro Ricaldone for being a man with important intellectual and governing qualities, giving considerable impulse to the spiritual and professional formation of the Salesians, and developing institutes of higher culture. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 10-Ricaldone and their Class Adviser, Ms. Lovely A. Cruz. Like Fr. Pietro Ricaldone, may they face everything with their will-power, at the same time, have a heart that is very sensitive towards the afflicted.
Pietro Ricaldone, pray for us!
#PietroRicaldone #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #TheWorker #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Be Salesians, be loke Don Bosco."
Today is November 23 and we remember Fr. Luigi Ferrari for being a delegate of the provincial of the China Province for the Philippines (1952-1955), and later provincial of the Philippines (1969-1975). We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Ferrari and their Class Adviser, Mr. John Lester B. Mirandilla. Like Fr. Luigi Ferrari, may they mature in their advocacy and live the mission began by their predecessors.
Luigi Ferrari, pray for us!
#LuigiFerrari #PioneerSalesian #Provincial #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"One can serve God either as a priest or a coadjutor (lay brother), as long as one does so with vocation and love."
Today is November 13 and we remember St. Artemide Zatti for his complete dedication to the sick, an excellent hospital director, and an excellent Christian above all. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 8-Zatti and their Class Adviser, Mr. Sean Nerie S. Bermudo. Like St. Artimide Zatti, may they be accustomed to work and sacrifice and always available for anyone who called for help - especially those who are ill.
Saint Artimide Zatti, pray for us!
#SaintArtimideZatti #SalesianBrother #LayBrother #Nurse #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Fr. Miguel was the moving spirit of the alumni organization." -DBMAAI
Today is November 9 and we remember Fr. Miguel Solaroli or more popularly known as Fr. Miguel for being one of the pioneer Salesians in the Philippines and a pillar of the Past Pupils community. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Solaroli and their Class Adviser, Mr. Ricca G. Cura. Like Fr. Miguel Solaroli, may they create an impact in the respective communities they belong to.
Miguel Solaroli, pray for us!
#MiguelSolaroli #PioneerSalesian #AlumniDelegate #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Nowadays, death becomes a part of our everyday lives. Either a love one or an acquaintance is called upon by God in their earthly sojourn. Today, we remember them by praying for them and also praying to them, to intercede for us.
Prayer for All Souls’ Day
Holy Souls in Purgatory, we look to you as pilgrims who have traversed this world before us. As you go through your purification, we ask that you remember our intentions.
Merciful Father, we ask that You have pity on those who are being purified in Purgatory, especially those: who stubbornly resisted Your love and turned from You in especially grave ways, but repented and turned to You before the end of their lives; who repented of their sins only very late in life; who were weighed down in life by the deadly sin of pride; who were unable to take joy in gifts given to others because of the deadly sin of envy who had a vengeful heart because of the deadly sin of wrath; who were slow to fulfill Your will for them because of the deadly sin of sloth; who were discontent in life because of the deadly sin of greed; who were unsatisfied in life because of the deadly sin of gluttony; and, who did not look upon their neighbor with dignity and love because of the deadly sin of lust. Ease their suffering and hasten their purification that they may soon join You and all the saints for eternity in Heaven. Amen
#AllSoulsDay #EternalRestGrantUntoThem #LetPerpetualLightShineUponThem #Holiday #WeRemember
“Saints are not ‘Supermen’ who are ‘born perfect,’ but rather are ordinary people who followed God ‘with all their heart’.” -Pope Francis
Prayer for All Saints’ Day
Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints. I desire to join in their company, worshiping you forever in Heaven. Please help me follow their footsteps, and yours, Jesus Christ. Please help me to conform myself to Your image, seeking Your will in all things, as the Saints did. Please help me to devote myself, and all that I do, to Your glory, and to the service of my neighbors. Amen.
All Saints in Heaven, pray for us!
#AllSaintsDay #SaintsAreModels #LetsAimToBeSaints #Holiday #WeRemember
"He developed the Saint’s example into a school, his Rule into a spirit, his holiness into a model. He turned the spring into a river." -Pope Paul VI
Today is October 29 and we remember Fr. Michael for being Don Bosco's closest collaborator in all stages of the development of the Salesian Congregation. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 10-Rua and their Class Adviser, Mr. Jonald N. Botoyan Jr. Like Bl. Michael Rua, may they be known to be kings and queens of kindness.
Blessed Michael Rua, pray for us!
#Michael Rua #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #TheRule #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"He was a man of action, above all of interior action. His sole concern was the spiritual formation of souls." -Fr. Cartier
Today is October 29 and we remember Fr. Paolo for continuing his predecessor's policy to increase the number of Salesian houses in the world amidst the difficulties brought about World War I. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 10-Albera and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Anna Marie G. Saptang. Like Fr. Paolo Albera, may they grow in holiness growing under the wings of Don Bosco.
Paolo Albera, pray for us!
#PaoloAlbera #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #ThePious #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"The missionary who prays a lot achieves a lot."
Every October 24 we remember him for being firm, temperate and with a spirit of sacrifice. He was always distinguished for his great faith strengthened by popular piety, a faith alive for its closeness to the poor and simple. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 7-Guanella and their Class Adviser, Mr. Nico Raphael R. Ayuyao, through the intercession prayer to Saint Louis Guanella:
Lord Jesus, you came down to earth to bring us the love of the Father and to be the support and comfort to the lowly and the afflicted, we give you thanks for the gift of your faithful servant, Saint Louis Guanella, wonderful reflection of God’s love. May the example of his holiness shine throughout the world for the glory of God the Father and the rescue of those in need. Through his intercession, bestow upon us the grace we are asking for… Grant us to be able to imitate his virtues: his ardent devotion to the Eucharist, his serene trust in Divine Providence, his tender charity with the poorest, his passionate pastoral care for your people, so that we may receive, along with him, the eternal joy you have prepared for us in the house of the Father. Amen.
Saint Louis Guanella, pray for us!
#SaintLouisGuanella #PriestForTheYoungAndThePoor #FounderOfCongregations #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I will try to make myself a saint."
Today is October 23 and we remember him for leaving an indelible mark to his numerous past pupils in the Pontificial Salesian Athenaeum and his interiority and his Salesian kindness in taking care of World War II orphans, and his success in defending the dogmatic definability of the Assumption of Mary into heaven which made him famous in the Church and in the Congregation. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 8-Quadrio and their Class Adviser, Mr. Mckennedy F. Taan, through the intercession prayer to Venerable Joseph Quadrio:
O Holy Spirit, through the intervention of the Virgin Help of Christians you inspired Fr Joseph Quadrio with the effective aim of becoming a saint at Don Bosco's school and you made him a model of the priest and teacher. Let his example and his teaching attract many young people to religious and apostolic life, and as we ask that he be glorified, grant us the grace we ask of you, through his intercession. Venerable Joseph Quadrio, pray for us!
#VenerableJosephQuadrio #SalesianTheologian #DogmaOfTheAssumptionOfMary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I have no other purpose than to give glory to God and save souls."
Best known as Blessed Alexandrina of Balazar, she was a Portuguese mystic and victim soul and a member of the Association of Salesian Cooperators. Alexandrina left many written works, which have been studied mainly in Italy by Father Umberto Pasquale. On April 25, 2004 she was declared blessed by Pope John Paul II who stated that her secret to holiness was love for Christ. May she become a model for us in loving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
#Blessed #Mystic #SalesianCooperator
"To always be close to Jesus, that is my life plan."
Carlo Acutis is someone who, like most Bosconians, builds websites, writes books, and loved video games. This holy young man died only at the age of fifteen from leukemia.In such a short life, he did so much to share his special devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist using modern technology. Many who knew him during his lifetime grew closer to Christ because of his witness of faith. May Bl. Carlo Acutis be for us a model of holiness in this modern time. May his example of holiness lead us to sanctity.
#Blessed #Teenager #Gamer #Programmer
"Find me a place somewhere in the poorest, most difficult, most abandoned mission. I want nothing to do with comfort."
Today is October 6 and we remember him for leading the group of missionaries establishing the Salesian presence in Japan and maintaining it by traveling around to keep encouraging the first Salesians in Japan, opening works for those who were poor and abandoned. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 6-Cimatti and their Class Adviser, Ms. Prescious Mae B. Macasiog. Like Venerable Vincent Cimatti, may they win the hearts of the people by their kindness, getting involved, like Don Bosco, in the apostolate of the press and of music.
Venerable Vincent Cimatti, pray for us!
#VenerableVincentCimatti #SalesianMissionary #MiyazakiSistersFounder #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"We go forward or we die."
Today is October 5 and we remember him for his availability to the Church as a youth leader, becoming an apostle amongst displaced persons and a real source of providence for the poor, being a committed Christian democrat, and having his Marian and Eucharistic devotion as the two main pillars of his life. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 6-Marvelli and their Class Adviser, Mr. Edmar S. Aguilar. Like Bl. Alberto Marvelli, may they be, as Don Bosco wanted, an example of a good Christian and upright citizen, committed to the Church and society with a Salesian heart.
Blessed Alberto Marvelli, pray for us!
#BlessedAlbertoMarvelli #YouthLeader #Engineer #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Either they free us all or nobody!"
Fr. Elia Comini, captured by the Germans during a roundup, preferred to assist his fellow sufferers rather than have his life saved. He was killed on October 1, 1944 along with 47 other prisoners. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 2-Comini and their Class Adviser, Mr. John Lawrence B. Lorenzo. Like Servant of God Fr. Elia Comini, may they be selfless in assisting others beyond measure.
Servant of God Fr. Elia Comini, pray for us!
#EliaComini #SalesianMartyr #ServantOfGod #ClassPatron #WeRemember
“What’s better than to die for the glory of God?”
Today, September 22, we remember Bl. Joseph Calasanz, Fr. Henry Saiz, and companions. Blessed Joseph Calasanz (1872-1936) was a dedicated Salesian who served in various roles, from being a priest to a provincial. He was known for his big heart and unwavering commitment to the salvation of his fellow Salesians. Fr. Henry Saiz protected the young aspirants under his care, offering his own life to spare theirs.
Bl. Joseph Calasanz, Fr. Henry Saiz, and companions, pray for us!
#BlessedJosephCalasanz #Henry Saiz #SalesianMartyrs #WeRemember
"All Christianity is a matter of learning how to die as to rise again. How can we bring to others a message of resurrection if we are not dead?"
Today, September 11, we remember Fr. Alfred Cogliandro, the first provincial of the Salesians in the Philippines. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Cogliandro and their Class Adviser, Mr. John Matthew Desiderio. Like Fr. Alfred Cogliandro, may they be a concrete sign of God's love for the young and serve as a shining example to the rest.
Alfred Cogliandro, pray for us!
#AlfredCogliandro #PioneerSalesian #SalesianProvincialSuperior #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Bishop Santiago Costamagna's life was a testament to faith, perseverance, and selfless service. His missionary spirit lives on, inspiring us all to make a positive impact on the world. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 1-Costamagna and their Class Adviser, Ms. Andrea D. Paladan. Like Bp. Santiago Costamagna, may they dedicate their lives to spreading love and faith.
Santiago Costamagna, pray for us!
#SantiagoGiacomoCostamagna #SalesianBishop #SalesianMissionary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Brother Mario Rossi was the first male lay religious I have ever known. He was Italian. His big, black spectacles and penetrating blue eyes made him look serious and strict. I realized Bro. Rossi knew each of us. He was teaching me, outside the classroom, a lesson on character building." - Fr. Randy Figuracion, SDB
Today, September 8, we remember Br. Mario Rossi, one of the pioneer Salesian Lay Brother in the Philippines coming from China. He was a farmer and a handyman with skillful hands. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Rossi and their Class Adviser, Ms. Vhernadette Lynne B. Subaran. Like Fr. Emilio Baggio, may they be observant and always ready to lend a helping hand to each other.
Mario Rossi, pray for us!
#MarioRossi #PioneerSalesian #SalesianBrother #ClassPatron #WeRemember
September 5, we remember Fr. Emilio Baggio, one of the pioneer Salesians in the Philippines coming from China. Our school library was named in honor of this Salesian Priest. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Baggio and their Class Adviser, Mr. Mark Lester Ramos. Like Fr. Emilio Baggio, may they become steadfast in their vocation in life.
Emilio Baggio, pray for us!
#EmilioBaggio #PioneerSalesian #Library #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Jesus, please protect my brothers of the prairie. If they do not love You, it is because they do not know You."
Remembering the inspiring life of Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá, a true model of piety, charity, and devotion to his people. His journey from an Indigenous leader's son to a Salesian aspirant, striving to become a priest and evangelize his community, continues to inspire us all.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the upcoming class of 4-Namuncura and their upcoming Class Adviser. Like Blessed Ceferino, may they set an example in correcting their companions by teaching them to do it slowly and with devotion.
Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá, pray for us.
#BlessedCeferinoNamuncura #Blessed #Inspiration #ClassPatron #WeRemember
“A glance at the crucifix gives me the strength and the courage to work.”
Today, we remember the inspiring life of Blessed Maria Troncatti, a dedicated Salesian sister who selflessly served the Shuar Indians in Ecuador for 44 years. Her unwavering faith, kindness, and tireless work as a nurse, catechist, and educator continue to inspire us to serve others with love and compassion.
Blessed Maria Troncatti, pray for us.
#BlessedMariaTroncatti #SalesianMissionary #Inspiration
Today, we celebrate the extraordinary life of Brother John De Reggi, SDB, a pioneer Salesian Missionary who dedicated himself to empowering the youth in the Philippines through vibrant oratories and youth centers. His tireless efforts and infectious spirit continue to inspire us to create safe and nurturing spaces for young hearts to grow and flourish.
#BrotherJohnDeReggi #SalesianMissionary #LayBrother #YouthEmpowerment #ClassPatron #WeRemember
“No help is better than self-help.”
Remembering the remarkable legacy of Father Georg Schwarz, SDB, a dedicated Salesian priest who revolutionized science education in the Philippines and beyond. His passion for developing people and uplifting the youth through teacher training continues to inspire us to make a positive impact in education and beyond.
#FatherGeorgSchwarz #SalesianPriest #Salesian Missionary #Pioneer #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"What a beautiful Easter!"
Today we remember Blessed Augustus Czartoryski, a Polish prince who renounced his noble status and worldly possessions to become a Salesian priest, dedicating his life to serving the youth and embracing sacrifice for others. His inspiring journey from exiled royalty to humble servant continues to inspire us to lead a life of selflessness and devotion.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the upcoming class of 8-Czatroyski and their upcoming Class Adviser. Like Blessed Augustus, may they embody the Salesian spirituality, especially the aspect of sacrifice and the offering of their life for the good of the young.
Blessed Augustus Czartoryski, pray for us!
#BlessedAugustus #Blessed #Inspiration #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"In the face of difficulties, Sr. Maria never lost hope, she said: ‘My King and my Queen will help me.’ She was a person of hope, that’s why I believe she lived happily; I never saw her sad, she was optimistic. She hoped without limits for what she wanted to achieve."
Let's celebrate the life of Blessed Maria Romero Meneses, born in Granada, Nicaragua, on January 13, 1902, into a wealthy family. From an early age, she witnessed the importance of practical charity and learned to help the less fortunate. Gifted in music, her family had high hopes for her future. On April 14, 2002, St. John Paul II beatified Maria Romero Meneses, recognizing her extraordinary life and her dedication to serving the most vulnerable.
Let us be inspired by her selflessness, compassion, and unwavering faith as we continue to strive for a world where love and generosity reign. 🙏❤️
Bl. Maria Romero Meneses, pray for us!
#BlessedMariaRomeroMeneses #SalesianFamily #Charity #Compassion #Faith #WitnessofHope#Inspiration #WeRemember
"All a person's holiness, perfection and profit lies in doing God's will perfectly."
Today, let us remember St. Joseph Cafasso's example of devotion, mercy, and care for the least among us. We pray in a special manner for the class of 5 - Cafasso and their adviser, Mr. Patrick John S. Mercadom, may the life of St. Joseph Cafasso inspire us to embrace God's will, show compassion to those in need, and tirelessly seek the transformation of hearts.
St. Joseph Cafasso, pray for us!
#StJosephCafasso #PriestlyFormation #ModelPriest #TruePastor #PatronofPrisons #SpiritualGuide #Mercy #Holiness #Inspiration #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"When God asks, one can never say no."
Today, let us remember and honor Fr. Vigano's profound contributions to the Church, his commitment to the Salesian Family, and his dedication to promoting unity, fidelity, and the transformative message of the Gospel. We pray in a special manner for the class of 10 - Vigano and their adviser, Mrs. Anna Marie G. Saptang, may they follow in the footsteps of Fr. Egidio Vigano who knew how to set and accompany the Salesian Congregation in the transition to a redefinition of itself, in the light of the Council, in dynamic and creative fidelity to Don Bosco, and with the same apostolic passion for young people, especially the most abandoned.
Fr. Egidio Vigano, pray for us!
#FrEgidioVigano #RectorMajor #SalesianPriest #VaticanCouncil #SalesianFamily #Fidelity #Legacy #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Don Bosco, whom young people need, is Don Bosco in moments of emergency, the Don Bosco who rolls up his sleeves ..."
Today, we remember and honor Fr. Luigi Michele Ricceri for his visionary leadership, unwavering dedication to Don Bosco's spirit, and his efforts to meet the evolving needs of the Church and the youth. We pray in a special manner for the class of 9 - Ricceri and their adviser, Mr. Luis Vincent G. Tejada, may Fr. Luigi Riccceri's inspire us to embrace dynamic fidelity and actively respond to the challenges of our time.
Fr. Luigi Ricceri, pray for us!
#FrLuigiMicheleRicceri #SalesianSpirit #VisionaryLeader #DynamicFidelity #RememberingTheLegacy #ClassPaatron #WeRemember
"We point to them as intercessors, as well as models of the highest ideals." - Fr. Juan Vecchi, Rector Major
Today, we remember and honor the inspiring lives of Blessed Francis Kesy and Companions. May their unwavering faith and commitment to their beliefs continue to inspire us to live with courage and devotion, even in the face of adversity.
Bl. Francis Kesy and Companions, pray for us!
#BlessedFrancisKesy #FranciszekKesy #EdwardKlinik #JarogniewWojciechowski #CeslaoJózwiak #EdwardKazmierski #SalesianMartyrs #FaithfulWitnesses #Inspiration #RememberingTheHeroes #WeRemember
"Stephen Sándor had great devotion to the Mother of God and he spread his devotion among the young with great enthusiasm and fervor." - Fr. Cameroni, Salesian Priest
Today, we remember and honor the legacy of Blessed Stephen Sandor, a true inspiration in his unwavering commitment to his calling and his selfless service to others. May his example continue to guide and inspire us in our own journeys of faith and service.
Bl. Stephen Sandor, pray for us!
#BlessedStephenSandor #MasterPrinter #YouthMinister #SalesianBrother #SalesianCharism #Inspiration #FaithfulService #RememberingTheMartyrs #WeRemember
"O Jesus, to you I offer my poor heart... Grant that I may never depart from You and that until death I remain faithful: I would rather die than offend you, even with a small sin. I must be a holy Salesian, as was my father Don Bosco..."
Joseph Kowalski was born in Siedliska near Rzeszów, Poland in 1911, to a farming family who were practicing Catholics. He enrolled in the Salesian College at Oswiecim (Auschwitz) and became devoted to the Salesian charism and its Founder. He made his temporary profession in 1928 and received his priestly ordination in 1938. He was arrested by the Gestapo in 1941 and sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he secretly devoted himself to the apostolate. He was martyred on July 4, 1942, and was beatified by St. John Paul II in 1999.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 3-Kowalski and their Class Adviser, Mr. Patrick John T. Celis. Like Bl. Joseph Kowalski, may they devote their lives in the humble service to our Lord.
Bl. Joseph Kowalski and companions, pray for us!
#JosephKowwalski #SalesianPriest #Martyr #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"When I pray I don't notice the time passing!"
A child prodigy, he was an altar boy in Sacro Monte in Varese. A pupil of the Salesians. A hotelier's son, he had told the kitchen to always prepare an extra dinner for the "hungry Christ". He died of leukemia, in terrible pain, yet told his mother: "Mamma, I am fine. I am going to heaven!"
Domenico Zamberletti, pray for us!
#DomenicoZamberletti #SaintlyStudent #PatronOfTheAltarBoys #WeRemember
"Actions rather than words."
Leonard Murialdo was born in Turin in 1828, and after a deep spiritual crisis, he discovered his priestly vocation. He worked closely with Fr. Cafasso and Don Bosco, and accepted the direction of the St. Aloysius Oratory from the latter. Leonard breathed the preventive system, which he truly embodied and applied in all his future educational works. He founded the Congregation of St. Joseph (Giuseppini del Murialdo) in 1873, which focuses on the education of youth, especially the poor and abandoned. Paul VI proclaimed him blessed in 1963 and a saint on May 3, 1970.
St. Leonard Murialdo, pray for us!
#LeonardMurialdo #FriendOfDonBosco #CongregationOfSaintJoseph #WeRemember
Fr. John Monchiero, a Salesian educator, was a preacher of purity and deeply saddened by the spread of youth corruption due to pornography in the mass media. He encouraged boys to confession, communion, and devotions to Mary Help of Christians as a means of remaining chaste. Fr. John had an intense concern for morality and always spoke of God's chastisement due to the spreading practice of abortion, divorce, artificial contraception, etc. He was a kind-hearted priest who helped the poor, found jobs for young people, and gave generously to beggars, and he was deeply loved by the people, especially the children of Canlubang.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Monchiero and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Kathleen Faye M. Cawili. Like Fr. John Monchiero, may they always go for confession and communion, and strengthen their devotion to the Blessed Mother.
John Monchiero, pray for us!
#ThePureOfHeart #TheBursarOfThePoor #SalesianPriest #PioneerSalesian #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Work to bring the little ones, the poor, and the people to the Church and the Pope, through works of charity."
Luigi/Louis Orione was born in 1872 and wanted to become a priest, but his plans were put on hold due to pneumonia. He eventually met Don Bosco at the college of Valdocco and was able to confess his sins to him. After being ordained as a priest in 1895, he founded the male religious congregation of the Little Work of Divine Providence, and later the female branch, the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity. His foundations extended throughout the world and he died in Sanremo in 1940. St. John Paul II beatified him in 1980 and canonized him in May 2004. We pray in a special manner to the class of 7-Orione and their adviser, Mr. Sean Nerie S. Bermudo, that they may be like Louis in trusting the Divine Providence.
St. Luigi Orione, pray for us!
#LouisOrione #LuigiOrione #FriendOfDonBosco #LittleWorkOfDivineProvidence #LittleMissionarySistersOfCharity #ClassPatron #WeRemeber
"Don Bosco is a saint, and I feel it."
St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, co-foundress of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, was born into a peasant farming family in Mornese, Italy in 1837. After recovering from typhoid fever in 1860, she had a vision to care for girls. With her friend Petronilla, she opened a sewing workroom to teach poor girls how to sew and love God. After meeting Saint John Bosco, he encouraged Mary and Petronilla to do as much good as possible, especially for young people. In 1872, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians was founded, and Mary Domenica proved to be a skilled formator and teacher of the spiritual life. She died in 1881 and was later beatified and canonized as a saint.
St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, pray for us!
#MaryMazzarello #SalesianSister #WeRemember
"Lord, as a most special grace of this very first holy Sacrifice, grant that I may love you intensely, if possible, to the point of suffering martyrdom - with Your help, wherever, however, and whenever You so desire."
Fr. Maurillo Candusso, SDB spent fifteen years at Don Bosco Mandaluyong and was highly regarded as a priest, Salesian, and educator by all who knew him. Despite his poor English and Tagalog, he tirelessly campaigned for God and reached out to young people and anyone willing to help his needy boys. Fr. Candusso carried a little wallet with medals and relics of saints, along with a worn-out sheet of paper on which he had recorded his feelings on the day of his ordination. His life was a refined and slow martyrdom, lived joyfully and offered daily on the altar in service of others, especially the poor and needy
We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Candusso and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Chzarina D. Tababa. Like Fr. Maurillo Candusso, may they continue to campaign for God and reach out to others.
Maurillo Candusso, pray for us!
#MaurilloCandusso #TheHumble #SalesianPriest #PioneerSalesian #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Give the same love and respect you gave me to your new rector (superior)."
Fr. Felix Glowicki, SDB was a tireless missionary to the Philippines. Known for his love of gardening, he cultured both plants and souls and spent his life for love of youth. He then spent 46 years of his life serving Filipino youth, teaching and ministering the sacraments, attracting and promoting vocations, building buildings and cultivating wonderful friendships, and most importantly, leading people to God in the style of St. John Bosco. Those who knew him will remember a smiling friend, cheerful priest, an indefatigable worker, a firm educator, a gardener, a musician, a youth club leader, a warm-hearted confrere and a model religious.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Glowicki and their Class Adviser, Ms. Leah Tipay. Like Fr. Felix, may they always lead people to God following the ways of Don Bosco.
Felix Glowicki, pray for us!
#FelixGlowicki #AdvocateofNatureandEcology #PioneerSalesian #SalesianPriest #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I will go to Confession frequently and Communion as often as my confessor allows. I want to make Sundays and feast days holy. My friends will be Jesus and Mary. Death, but not sin."
Dominic was very faithful to his program of work, sustained by intense participation in sacramental life, by a filial devotion to Mary, and by joyful sacrifice. God enriched him with many special gifts.
St. Dominic Savio, pray for us!
#DomincSavio #DeathRatherThanSin #BosconianSaint #WeRemember
"They formed a vital part of the Preventive System." -Fr. Renato Ziggiotti referring to the encouragement of organizing religious sodalities/youth groups.
Today is April 19 and we remember Fr. Renato for guided the congregation in the difficult post-war years, spurring it to unity in fervent spiritual life and in the charism of Don Bosco. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 9-Ziggiotti and their Class Adviser, Ms. Lovely A. Cruz. Like Fr. Renato Ziggiotti, may they have the gift of command that will echo their mind and heart of a true son of the Church.
Renato Ziggiotti, pray for us!
#RenatoZiggiotti #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #ClassPatron #WeRemember
When we think about Br. Rafael Mrzel, SDB, we see a Salesian who is calm, ready to serve everyone for whatever reason. Through his tailoring shop passed cardinals, bishops and priests of many religious orders. They were always pleased and satisfied with his work. He also served hundreds of boys in need of having their pants repaired in emergency situations. He was receiving everybody with the same smile, kindness and availability. He would often leave the dining table to meet a customer. He was putting everything aside for future use. Those who were tasked to dispose of his things after his death know well how many things he stored in his room and shop for possible future use. He cherished poverty. Always clean and presentable, he could not bear to see things thrown away.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Mrzel and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Edelhany L. Martinez. Like Br. Rafael Mrzel, may they always be pleased and satisfied with their work and receive everybody with smile, kindness, and availability.
Rafael Mrzel, pray for us!
#RafaelMrzel #TheManOfLittleServices #ThePoor #PioneerSalesian #LayBrother #ClassPatron #WeRemember
Br. Andrew Bragion, SDB was a Salesian Lay Brother who had a serious interest and dedication in molding the Filipino youth into responsible Christian craftsmen and in preparing them to face a fast-developing industrial environment. He is remembered by his students in Don Bosco Mandaluyong where he stayed for nine years. He spent most of his 42 years in the Philippines in Don Bosco Victorias as a dedicated and concerned machine shop mentor. Many of his alumni are now well-positioned in life and they are simply grateful to the "master craftsman" and the "chief mechanic" for having touched their lives during their formative years. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Bragion and their Class Adviser, Mr. Christian P. Jimenez. Like Br. Andrea Bragion, may they touch the lives of those whom they encounter, and may they develop their technical prowess.
Andrew Bragion, pray for us!
#AndrewBragion #TheTechnician #PioneerSalesian #LayBrother #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Hay po!" (Oh my gosh!)
What characterized Fr. Pierangelo Quaranta, SDB is not a single trait of his personality but rather the harmonious blending of his traits. In him, nature and grace were blended so harmoniously that it is rare to see in such a wonderful way that grace that does not destroy nature but energizes it instead. His splendid soul was pictured in his open, welcoming and paternal face, the affirming and expressive smile, the exterior sign of his inner joy of being with God and with you. He would often burst into a healthy laughter, blush and stamp his feet, rub his crossed hands on his chest and exclaim: "Hay po!" (Oh my gosh!). He loved in detail all that was beautiful. Every detail counted for him. Everything was important when it came to maintain and deepen a relationship. Nothing was to be taken for granted. His virtues exceeded his talents. His availability exceeded his ability, his non-verbal communication skills exceeded his verbal communication. He was totally alive until the end, deeply interested in living things: on his knees in front of God and on his feet in front of men, solidly human, unassuming, personal, warm and deeply divine.
We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Quaranta and their Class Adviser, Ms. Mariko Campos. Like Fr. Pierangelo, may they always be welcoming and affirming and may they radiate their inner joy to everyone they encounter.
Pierangelo Quaranta, pray for us!
#PierangeloQuaranta #TheDreamer #TheOptimist #PioneerSalesian #SalesianPriest #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Bosco, I am saved."
Yesterday is April 3 and we remember Luigi Comollo who taught Don Bosco to "live as Christian." We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 3-Comollo and their Class Adviser, Ms. Hazel G. Diacor. Like Luigi Comollo, may they never retaliate against those who mistreat them and always forgive them.
Luigi Comollo, pray for us!
#LuigiComollo #SaintlySeminarian #BestFriendForever #BFF #FriendofDonBosco #WeRemember
"Servite Domino in laetitia! (Serve the Lord joyfully!)"
Today is January 31 and we remember Saint John Bosco who went into the streets and started to meet young men and boys where they worked and played. He used his talents as a performer, doing tricks to capture attention, then sharing with the children his message for the day. We pray, in a special manner, for all Bosconians around the world, may they make Don Bosco proud by becoming good christians and upright citizens.
Saint John Bosco, pray for us!
#JohnBosco #Saint #FatherAndTeacherOfYouth #PatronOfApprentices #PatronOfEditorsAndPublishers #PatronOfSchoolchildren #PatronOfMagicians #PatronOfJuvenileDelinquents #WeRemember
"Retire at various times into the solitude of your own heart, even while outwardly engaged in discussions or transactions with others and talk to God."
Today is January 24 and we remember Saint Francis of Sales who laid the groundwork for the teaching of the Second Vatican Council on what is now called the "universal call to holiness." It reaffirms the teaching of Jesus and the early Church that every Baptized Christian is called to sanctity, no matter what their career or state in life. In every career and state in life, Christians can become more and more like Jesus Christ. That is, after all, what holiness really means. We pray, in a special manner, for all our Salesians that they may be steadfast in their vocation and to be signs and bearers of God's love for the young.
Saint Francis of Sales, pray for us!
#FrancisOfSales #Saint #PatronOfDeaf #PatronOfJournalists #PatronOfAdultEducation #WeRemember
"My one desire is to please Jesus and Mary!"
Today is January 22 and we remember Blessed Laura Vicuña who prayed and offered herself for the conversion of others. We pray for our family members and friends who have gone astray from God's merciful love.
Blessed Laura Vicuña, pray for us!
#LauraVicuña #SaintlyStudent #PatronOfAbused #WeRemember
"I’m prepared to do whatever you wish but, if the choice is left to me, I would prefer to study."
Today is January 21 and we remember Michael Magone whom St. John Bosco has seen potential but was vulnerable to crime in his situation. When given a chance, Michael grabbed the opportunity to study under the auspices of St. John Bosco. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of Kinder-Magone and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Danly Fatima G. Cruz. Like Michael Magone, may they be overwhelmed by relief and filled with happiness by frequently going for confession and communion.
#MichaelMagone #SaintlyBosconian #StudentLeader #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Nothing to fear: if it is a work of God, it will last." - Bl. Luigi Variara
Today is January 15 and we remember Bl. Luigi Variara for his dedication to the Leper community of Colombia. He also founded the congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in order to provide care for their leprosy patients. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 2-Variara and their Class Adviser, Ms. Jhalen R. Cerbito. Like Bl. Luigi Variara, may they find their pieace of Heaven on Earth.
Blessed Luigi Variara, pray for us!
#LuigiVariara #ApostleOfTheLepers #DaughtersOfTheSacredHeartsOfJesusAndMary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I was born to suffer."
Today is December 30 and we remember Fr. Attilo Guerrino Boscariol for being a missionary in China and one of the pioneer Salesians in the Philippines. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Boscariol and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Erin Faye M. Baun. Like Fr. Attilo Guerrino Boscariol, may they suffer in silence experience the healing power of the Lord.
Fr. Attilo Guerrino Boscariol, pray for us!
#AttilioGuerrinoBoscariol #PioneerSalesian #Missionary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Neither recovery nor death, but live to suffer."
Today is December 30 and we remember him for offering himself as a victim of love for the conversion of sinners and for the consolation of those who suffered. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 8-Beltrami and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Yvonne R. San Pedro. Like Venerable Andrew Beltrami, may they fully accept the sacrificial dimension of the Salesian charism, as desired by St. John Bosco.
Venerable Andrew Beltrami, pray for us!
#VenerableAndrewBeltrami #SalesianMissionary #MiyazakiSistersFounder #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"In life it doesn't take much to say the things we have to do. It doesn't take much preaching, it matters what you do. We must demonstrate with our lives what we believe. There are no sermons to do. The sermon is to live."
Today is December 18 and we remember Venerable Attilio Giordani for being a diligent catechist and a brilliant, simple and serene Salesian youth leader. To restore hope to children upset by the war, he began a "Crusade of Goodness", which would spread throughout Italy. As husband he was always there for his family, rich in faith and serenity, but also practiced evangelical poverty for the benefit of the most needy. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 6-Giordani and their Class Adviser, Ms. Prescious Mae B. Macasiog, through the Prayer to obtain the Canonization of the Venerable Attilio Giordani:
We thank you, Holy Father, for the gifts given to your faithful servant Attilio Giordani, family man, Salesian Cooperator, catechist and leader at the Oratory, teacher of holiness. Give us the joy of seeing him glorified as the protector and model of our families and of the apostolate among the young. Through his intercession, grant us the grace we ask of you with a confident heart. Amen.
Venerable Attilio Giordani, pray for us!
#VenerableAttilioGiordani #SalesianCooperator #CrusadeOfGoodness #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"The lives of Communities around the once notorious port area in Tondo Manila is continuing to change for the better thanks, in no small part, to Don Bosco Youth Center. But we should not be complacent because new socio-economic challenges threaten to reverse our victories."
Today is December 13 and we remember Fr. Luis Iriarte for one of the first Salesian Missionaries in the Philippines. He dedicated his life to the poor boys of Tondo as a long-time Rector and later on, Confessor. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Iriarte and their Class Adviser, Ms. Rocel D. Banting. Like Fr. Luis Iriarte, may they dedicate themselves for a cause greater than their own and be faithful towards succeeding in that cause.
Fr. Luis Iriarte, pray for us!
#LuisIriarte #PioneerSalesian #Missionary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I would like you to come next Sunday too, Bartholomew. Bring some friends too." - Saint John Bosco
December 8 also marks The start of Don Bosco’s apostolate.
Don Bosco celebrated his first Mass in the church of St Francis of Assisi in Turin, a place where he would often offer Mass after that. It was there that on December 8, 1841 he met a young and spindly Bartholomew Garelli, a local homeless boy.
Garelli had wandered into the sacristy seeking anything but religion. It was freezing out and he needed some warmth! The sacristan chased him out, but Don Bosco reprimanded the man and had him bring the boy, who was now terrified, back to him. Don Bosco’s kindness won the teenager over and soon he brought more friends to Don Bosco.
Don Bosco ended up offering Garelli and his friends food, games, and catechism lessons. They were attracted by his obvious love for them, paired with his talent for magic tricks and juggling. Their numbers grew so great that Don Bosco had to rent field after field as they often outgrew them or were kicked out for being too noisy; it became a “Wandering Oratory” as Don Bosco called it.
#BartholomewGarelli #Garelli #FirstBosconian #WanderingOratory
"Before all else, the first thing you have to do is pray for courage every day to carry the cross the Lord has assigned to you."
Today is December 5 and we remember Bl. Filippo Rinadli for working to renew the spiritual life of the Salesians, having absolute confidence in God and unlimited trust in Mary, the Help of Christians, doing much to develop Salesian studies, and becoming a master of spiritual life. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 9-Rinaldi and their Class Adviser, Mr. Mike Angelo B. Casapao. Like Bl. Filippo Rinaldi, may they use all their energies in adapting Don Bosco's spirit to the times.
Pietro Ricaldone, pray for us!
#FilippoRinaldi #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #TheFather #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"If you believe that this is the will of the Lord, I am ready to come.." - Ven. Margaret Occhiena to Don Bosco’s invitation to assist him in looking after the abandoned youth.
Today is November 25 and we remember her for being a woman of great faith; Don Bosco's first and foremost co-worker; she became the maternal element of the preventive system; she was, without knowing it, a "cofounder" of the Salesian Family. We also pray, in a special manner, for our very own parents and guardians; We pray in a special manner for their representatives - the Parent Council led by Mrs. Ria B. Clemente. Like Mama Margaret may they have a mother’s heart formed by the intense love for the Lord and undying support for their children.
Venerable Margaret Occhiena, pray for us!
#VenerableMargaretOcchiena #Mother #Support #CoFoundress #WeRemember
"His natural spirit of initiative was not satisfied merely with carrying out orders but sought new ways." - Fr. Ceria
Today is November 25 and we remember Fr. Pietro Ricaldone for being a man with important intellectual and governing qualities, giving considerable impulse to the spiritual and professional formation of the Salesians, and developing institutes of higher culture. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 10-Ricaldone and their Class Adviser, Mrs. Leonora P. Atienza. Like Fr. Pietro Ricaldone, may they face everything with their willpower, at the same time, have a heart that is very sensitive towards the afflicted.
#Pietro Ricaldone #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #TheWorker #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Be Salesians, be like Don Bosco."
Today is November 23 and we remember Fr. Luigi Ferrari for being a delegate of the provincial of the China Province for the Philippines (1952-1955), and later provincial of the Philippines (1969-1975). We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 11-Ferrari and their Class Adviser, Mr. Royce Jayson R. Ligsay. Like Fr. Luigi Ferrari, may they mature in their advocacy and live the mission began by their predecessors.
#LuigioFerrari #PioneerSalesian #Provincial #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"One can serve God either as a priest or a coadjutor (lay brother), as long as one does so with vocation and love."
Today is November 13 and we remember St. Artemide Zatti for his complete dedication to the sick, an excellent hospital director, and an excellent Christian above all. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 8-Zatti and their Class Adviser, Mr. Roie R. Sanchez. Like St. Artemide Zatti, may they be accustomed to work and sacrifice and always available for anyone who called for help - especially those who are ill.
Saint Artimide Zatti, pray for us!
#SaintArtimideZatti #SalesianBrother #LayBrother #Nurse #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"Fr. Miguel was the moving spirit of the alumni organization." -DBMAAI
Today is November 9 and we remember Fr. Miguel Solaroli or more popularly known as Fr. Miguel for being one of the pioneer Salesians in the Philippines and a pillar of the Past Pupils community. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 12-Solaroli and their Class Adviser, Ms. Precious Joyce L. Parangan. Like Fr. Miguel Solaroli, may they create an impact in the respective communities they belong to.
Miguel Solaroli, pray for us!
#MiguelSolaroli #PioneerSalesian #AlumniDelegate #ClassPatron #WeRemember
In this time of pandemic, death becomes a part of our everyday lives. Either a loved one or an acquaintance is called upon by God in their earthly sojourn. Today, we remember them by praying for them and also praying to them, to intercede for us.
Prayer for All Souls’ Day
Holy Souls in Purgatory, we look to you as pilgrims who have traversed this world before us. As you go through your purification, we ask that you remember our intentions.
(Mention your intentions here)
Merciful Father, we ask that You have pity on those who are being purified in Purgatory, especially those:
who stubbornly resisted Your love and turned from You in especially grave ways, but repented and turned to You before the end of their lives;
who repented of their sins only very late in life;
who were weighed down in life by the deadly sin of pride;
who were unable to take joy in gifts given to others because of the deadly sin of envy;
who had a vengeful heart because of the deadly sin of wrath;
who were slow to fulfill Your will for them because of the deadly sin of sloth;
who were discontent in life because of the deadly sin of greed;
who were unsatisfied in life because of the deadly sin of gluttony;
and, who did not look upon their neighbor with dignity and love because of the deadly sin of lust.
Ease their suffering and hasten their purification that they may soon join You and all the saints for eternity in Heaven. Amen
We wish to express our condolences to members of our EPC who recently lost a close family member by praying for them. You may fill up this form: To avoid duplication, you can see the names of those already listed in our database here:
#AllSoulsDay #EternalRestGrantUntoThem #LetPerpetualLightShineUponThem #Holiday #WeRemember
“Saints are not ‘Supermen’ who are ‘born perfect,’ but rather are ordinary people who followed God ‘with all their heart’.” -Pope Francis
Prayer for All Saints’ Day
Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints. I desire to join in their company, worshiping you forever in Heaven. Please help me follow their footsteps, and yours, Jesus Christ. Please help me to conform myself to Your image, seeking Your will in all things, as the Saints did. Please help me to devote myself, and all that I do, to Your glory, and to the service of my neighbors. Amen.
All Saints in Heaven, pray for us!
#AllSaintsDay #SaintsAreModels #LetsAimToBeSaints #Holiday #WeRemember
"He was a man of action, above all of interior action. His sole concern was the spiritual formation of souls." -Fr. Cartier
Today is October 29 and we remember Fr. Paolo for continuing his predecessor's policy to increase the number of Salesian houses in the world amidst the difficulties brought about World War I. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 10-Albera and their Class Adviser, Mr. Jonald D. Botoyan. Like Fr. Paolo Albera, may they grow in holiness growing under the wings of Don Bosco.
Paolo Albera, pray for us!
#PaoloAlbera #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"He developed the Saint’s example into a school, his Rule into a spirit, his holiness into a model. He turned the spring into a river." -Pope Paul VI
Today is October 29 and we remember Fr. Michael for being Don Bosco's closest collaborator in all stages of the development of the Salesian Congregation. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 10-Albera and their Class Adviser, Mr. Gilbert M. Capinpin Jr. Like Bl. Michael Rua, may they be known to be kings and queens of kindness.
Blessed Michael Rua, pray for us!
#PaoloAlbera #SuccessorOfDonBosco #RectorMajor #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"The missionary who prays a lot achieves a lot."
Every October 24 we remember him for being firm, temperate, and with a spirit of sacrifice. He was always distinguished for his great faith strengthened by popular piety, a faith alive for its closeness to the poor and simple. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 7-Guanella and their Class Adviser, Ms. Maria Precious Christine D. Saplan, through the intercession prayer to Saint Louis Guanella: Lord Jesus, you came down to earth to bring us the love of the Father and to be the support and comfort to the lowly and the afflicted, we give you thanks for the gift of your faithful servant, Saint Louis Guanella, wonderful reflection of God’s love.
May the example of his holiness shine throughout the world for the glory of God the Father and the rescue of those in need. Through his intercession, bestow upon us the grace we are asking for... Grant us to be able to imitate his virtues: his ardent devotion to the Eucharist, his serene trust in Divine Providence, his tender charity with the poorest, his passionate pastoral care for your people, so that we may receive, along with him, the eternal joy you have prepared for us in the house of the Father. Amen. Saint Louis Guanella, pray for us!
#SaintLouisGuanella #PriestForTheYoungAndThePoor #FounderOfCongregations #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I will try to make myself a Saint."
Today is October 23 and we remember him for leaving an indelible mark on his numerous past pupils in the Pontificial Salesian Athenaeum and his interiority and his Salesian kindness in taking care of World War II orphans, and his success in defending the dogmatic definability of the Assumption of Mary into heaven which made him famous in the Church and in the Congregation. We also pray, in a special manner, for the class of 8-Quadrio and their Class Adviser, Ms. Mary Kate Niña S. Lozañes, through the intercession prayer to Venerable Joseph Quadrio:
O Holy Spirit, through the intervention of the Virgin Help of Christians you inspired Fr Joseph Quadrio with the effective aim of becoming a saint at Don Bosco's school and you made him a model of the priest and teacher. Let his example and his teaching attract many young people to religious and apostolic life, and as we ask that he be glorified, grant us the grace we ask of you, through his intercession. Venerable Joseph Quadrio, pray for us!
#VenerableJosephQuadrio #SalesianTheologian #DogmaOfTheAssumptionOfMary #ClassPatron #WeRemember
"I have no other purpose than to give glory to God and save souls."
Best known as Blessed Alexandrina of Balazar, she was a Portuguese mystic and victim soul and a member of the Association of Salesian Cooperators. Alexandrina left many written works, which have been studied mainly in Italy by Father Umberto Pasquale. On April 25, 2004, she was declared blessed by Pope John Paul II who stated that "her secret to holiness was love for Christ." May she become a model for us in loving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
#Blessed #Mystic #SalesianCooperator
"To always be close to Jesus, that is my life plan."
Blessed Carlo Acutis is someone who, like most Bosconians, builds websites, writes books, and loved video games. This holy young man died only at the age of fifteen from leukemia. In such a short life, he did so much to share his special devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist using modern technology. Many who knew him during his lifetime grew closer to Christ because of his witness of faith. May Blessed Carlo Acutis be for us a model of holiness in this modern time. May his example of holiness lead us to sanctity.
#Blessed #Teenager #Gamer #Programmer